This popular series of documentary film offers a though-provoking look at visionary artists and individuals pushing both artistic and personal boundaries – challenging or exceeding perceived limitations and setting new paths for performative work. Following each film, share your thoughts during an informal discussion led by experienced guest moderators.
Free Solo is a stunning, intimate and unflinching portrait of climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock … the 3,000ft El Capitan in Yosemite National Park … without a rope. Celebrated as one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, Honnold’s climb set the ultimate standard: perfection or death. It is both an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who exceeded our current understanding of human physical and mental potential. Succeeding in this challenge, Honnold enters his story in the annals of human achievement.